My Ingame nick: Seeker65
I come from: Slovenia
Classes I like to play: 1. Priest, 2. Archer, 3. Mage
My E-mail:
My steam nick: Seeker65 And I play dmomm aproximately 15 hours a week!
Added (2009-08-12, 1:31 Pm)
Sry that text is all wrong :s
My ingame nick: Seeker65(SLO)
Come from: Slovenia
Main class: Priestess(ressuruct)
My e-mail adress:
My steam ID: (if you mean my nick) Seeker65
My gaming experience: I'm a ressuructer so I don't kill many people but i still ressurect many as possible!
Time spent playing: Aprox. 15 hours a week
Name: Žan Banko
Age: 14
I admire the way EYE members fight also KoD is good clan but not as good as EYE, actually i never met any other clan member(I mean other's clan member) but KoD and EYE!