Here I am again, posting on every possible forum thread I think neseccary.
All EYE have trainings as written on Training forum on Tuesday, Thursday and Sathurday.
And since school ended, I think some of you will have more time for that.
And here's the suggestion I promised few months ago. We're gonna start having EYE duels (including me :p)
I think best time for it is Monday or Friday (but that's your suggestion) ... so, please post here which days suit you all for them. And consider this as fun, not that you HAVE to be there. As price for wining can be getting higher rank (don't expect any material prices )
-As I see this duels it should be like this:
--Two Tournament duels
--Archer duels (archer vs archer)
--Warrior duels (warrior vs warrior)
I hope we can get 2^n ppl (so, 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on (so we can have normal table for it)) ... table for wining the duels will be on our main page where you all can check the score.
Each player will play as many duels with his opponent, untill one of them reaches 15 wins (if there is a score 10:0 it is an automatic win)
Btw, as I wrote here, there won't be only one Duel tournament (so if you miss one, there is always another) ... and therefore, the TM can also take more than one day (like 2 mondays)
And if there is a duel scheduled, for example Dwarfbier vs Tyranus and if Dwarfbier doesn't show up on TM, it goes a win to Tyranus (10:0)
I hope you will all agree to this TM, since I think it will be fun. Thanks