Ok, this thread is made so you guys give some nice links from youtube, vimeo or any kind of sites where you can see a clip.
Try not to post just links inside, try to tell what the link is to, so it will be a little more organized ^^
Please post some most funny clips you ever saw. Oh and, try not to post too much.
And since I made this thread, it would be nice that I start Weird Al Yankovic:
- White and Nerdy
- eBay
- Amish Paradise
Pablo Francisco:
- Previewman parody
- Strip club
- Old people talk dirty
The lonely island:
- Jizz in my pants
- I'm on a boat
- Like a boss
Jeff Dunham:
- Walter (I would also link Achmed video, but I'd say all of you know it)
Frank Caliendo:
- Impersonations
Tom Mabe:
- Telephone call
Remi Gilliard:
- Rocky
- Put it where you want it
Tato Salad:
- Bathroom attendant
- Wedding dance
- Japanese game show (Funny part is also that they must not laugh out loud, because it is a library)
- Evolution of dance (I think most of you know this one, because it is the most viewed youtube video)
- Old woman driving
- Funniest comercials
- The IT Crowd