Hey there EYE, As topic title says, my in game name on DMoMM is Ch13l and I would like to join EYE, why EYE. Well I've been playing DMoMM online for quite a while and I quite enjoy it. I experience with every online game playing in a group is more fun. Especially if you get to know eachother. I've seen some of you guys play and I was quite honoured when Nightwish approached me with the question to join EYE. When Nightwish tested me as a priest and approved he told me I could subscribe and here I am. In DMoMM and mostly play ranger and priest... from which in my own opinion ranger is my best, but since you need a Priest I subscribe as a priest. I am also a very skillfull Rampage Lockon warrior and a suicidal assassin bomber :p. Though.. Mage can be ok, I do not like it too much. I play on quite various times, but I can always be called upon since my steam is 90 % on. Tho DMoMM is not the only game I play I also like to play Guildwars. I nearly ever play during the weekends cause my parents are divorced.. and the pc at my dad quite... sucks :p. Tho on Sunday evening I'm available again... That much about my ''gaming behaviour in DMoMM''
Now a bit about myself. I'm Michiel, I live in the netherlands. I'm 15,5 years old at the moment I write this. I heard this clan is Russian, which I do not speak, My english is quite good though.. at least I can make people understand me and understand them:p. My hobbies are soccer and windsurfing. I'm in the pre-graduation year, so school is gonna be quite busy. Thats about all I can tell to you without boring you too much:p.
You can contact me via Nightwish on Steam and via Msn (visscher_michiel@hotmail.com). I hope to hear from you guys quick.