Russian clan "Hostile Breed" is formed by former members of [KSD]. Thous the name of the clan seems aggressive the guys are quite friendly with us. Most the players are experienced and well trained. The clan is headed by the triad - Apockriphos, Maniak, Gnoll
Russian clan [PaLaDiNs] does not play DMoMM only. One can hardly meet them in full cast at one server. Some of the players are really good. The formal leader is Sion, but in fact they have a democracy.
The members of Russian clan "Apologia" call themselves mercenaries for CBs. The clan is not big, but its members are strong players. The leader is Evoli Perks
One of the most famous Russian clans. At the moment it seems to have certain inner difficulties and some of the members left the clan to organize their own one. The leader is Lord Miron