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How many players should we have on our clanswarses on ctf maps?
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Sites in category: 19
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Zapłać, Uklęknij, Spierdalaj  Clan info
World Clans | Transitions: 724 | Added by: Turalyon | Date: 2009-10-01

 They are one of very good clans still active these days out there. They have very strong players and I think having a clan-wars against them would prove to be  very challenging.

 Leadership is being shared by MightyMalcolm and DonSpeedy.

World Clans | Transitions: 867 | Added by: Turalyon | Date: 2009-10-01

๖TG^ is a former {KoD} clan, consisting of some very good players already known to [EYE] members.

Their leader is Mr.Tiny

World Clans | Transitions: 998 | Added by: Turalyon | Date: 2008-07-25

This is a new clan we found about ^.^ The name is already mentioned, and their leader is Azorius
World Clans | Transitions: 1277 | Added by: Nightwish | Date: 2008-02-23

This is a new clan called Clan of Death ^^. S@ndstorm  created this clan and he is this clan's leader :p. It seems that clan is Polish, at least Most of members of the clan from Poland.
World Clans | Transitions: 1046 | Added by: Nighwish | Date: 2007-12-02

-{DK}- is another young clan, which partly consists of former [-CA-]-players. The guys I’ve met play well.

The clan isn’t big, but has a good chance to become a serious enemy. The clan is not restricted to DMOMM only, it also includes QW, HL, DoD, CSS branches.

The leader is Gladiator.


World Clans | Transitions: 952 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-11-14

Is a new DMoMM clan, Most of members there, from France.

The clan is young, but there are few members from other French clans that we have already know.

Their site full of dark art, and photos of its creator Paradox, and eccentric lady - Prodigy. So if you know French, or if you want to know how The Prodigy looks like, welcome there. :)
Leaders are bONd and Prodigy
World Clans | Transitions: 829 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-10-30

«Horseman of the pocalypse». The Cyrillic letter "" in the name of the clan stands for «A». =) Though the clan has been founded recently, it already unites several very strong European fighters. At the moment it is rapidly developing and has successfully taken part in several clan-duels. The clan’s site is in English and is very user-friendly. The leaders are Plague and David Drake
World Clans | Transitions: 1022 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

Another German clan which specializes in COD and C&C, but also has a DMoMM server. The staff of the clan is well-balanced so at the moment it is not recruiting new members. I didn’t manage to find either their forum or any information about the clan-wars. So if we’ll need to arrange a battle, we’ll probably have to communicate via e-mail. The clan leader is Tasse
World Clans | Transitions: 951 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

"La Confrerie d'Ashan" or "The Brotherhood of Ashan" is a French clan.
As far as we know they are friendly with HoF and are gaining over some of their members. At this moment LCA is the oldest french clan. The leader is  Geronimo
World Clans | Transitions: 903 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

We are indebted to TfS| for the constantly working Coliseum, which we often use for solving various conflicts. ;)
This clan is big. It consists of 6 branches, including DMoMM.
Most of the members are Germans. Most of the battles they conduct against DG.
The leaders of the DMoMM branch are  Blizzard, Gruftloard
World Clans | Transitions: 813 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

Lotus - is the clan famous for its leader Mana, who creates maps for DMoMM. He is one of the few persons in the word who can do this.  The clan has two servers: one is American the other is European. The clan is multinational and consists of the players from the both sides of the Atlantics.
The members are nice and sociable guys.
Clan leader is Mana
World Clans | Transitions: 1079 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

L'Ordre des Chevaliers Dragon "is another French clan. They usually play in a team of 10 members and have conducted several good clan-wars.
The leaders are Tricky, Kronos
World Clans | Transitions: 829 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

ACVQ| is a French-speaking clan consisting of mostly French, Belgian and Canadian players. They have taken part in several clan-wars. Their hobby is to come to off-servers all together to kill noobs. They also like to film this, and other stuff. The leaders are Leonidas, Morgot

World Clans | Transitions: 783 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

A small clan which is not very famous. It is considered to be Swedish, but consists of the players from various European countries.  We have not heard from them for a while.
The leader is - Rezel
World Clans | Transitions: 689 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

"Rushing Bulls" is considered one of the strongest clans. They claim to win every clan war they take part in.  They seem to be quite defiant.  It will take a lot of time and effort to beat them one day. Their strongest side is well-organized teamplay. Besides DMoMM they play CSS.
The clan is multinational. The leaders are DI3SEL, NeverLockon, Crash
World Clans | Transitions: 894 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

"Avatar Angels" is one of the oldest clans in DMoMM. It is more that 5 years old. The clan was organized for LoMM which they still play. Thus the clan has two branches LoMM and DMoMM.
The clan is multinational, mostly European, it has several Russian players as well. Their site was last updated in 2004 but the forum as well as the clan itself is alive and prosperous.
The leaders of the DMoMM branch are  Carrot, Konrad, Aleks
World Clans | Transitions: 761 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

"Drachen Gilde" is a German clan. One of the most famous and respected ones in DMoMM.
Very punctilious are accurate. The clan consists of more than  25 members.
The leaders are TheOne, Pumpk1n
World Clans | Transitions: 795 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

This clan is mostly from USA. One of the few ones that we know rather well. It's all because of the high ping that hampers our communication.
 [-CA-] consists of about 40 members among which there are several Russian-speaking guys.
 The leader is Godfather
World Clans | Transitions: 884 | Added by: Borbel | Date: 2007-08-17

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