I was thinking (well, even before, but this is the time I really want it to happen, and it will!!!) to make a Duel Tournament for EYE clan, so it will have some activities!!
I will make 3-5 different duel tournaments, where same classes will compete against each other...
I will post here 3 kinds of duel tournament I wish to see and who I wish to see in it.
(they play untill one of the competators reach 10 kills)
Results of duels can be seen here.
Warrior duel tournament: vs
-Torsten / Langelus
If someone who isn't on the list and wants a duel, post here.
Archer duel tournament: vs
-Hell Archer
If someone who isn't on the list and wants a duel, post here.
Assassin duel tournament: vs
If someone who isn't on the list and wants a duel, post here.
As I said above, that I will make 3-5 duel tournaments. Here on this site there are 3, other are posted in English forum here and here.